About Us

The INFRGY prototype captures radio frequency signals emitted by a transmitter, as well as electromagnetic signals harvested from the environment, and converts the captured RF energy into usable DC power. This energy output may be in wired, wireless or a combination of both. By using a patent-pending combination of diodes, capacitors, and a rectifying bridge, the INFRGY device is able to efficiently transfer energy without any loss - and in fact increases energy output with the additional harvested energy.

Progress So Far!

Pioneering Tomorrow's Solutions Today

INFRGY is collaborating with two top universities in India to test their device. They are grateful for the opportunity to test and continually develop their high-potential smart circuit with the University of Kashmir's Institute of Technology and the National Institute of Technology Srinagar's Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering.

Explainer Video

Certifications & Collaborations

Team Members
Parvez Rishi
John Waihee
Advisor | Former Governor of Hawaii